Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue #1

 This is the first in an regularly irregular post series in which I'll tell you about one new record I've enjoyed; one old one I think you should check out; a cover that might be good, fun or terrible depending on what I fancy and a post based around the colour blue because I need a gimmick to hang the whole thing around.

 I promise to do my utmost to avoid clichéd marriage metaphors and those statements that follow the pattern of "The love child of X and Y that has been subject to condition Z" because they're pretty terrible.

Some of the releases featured will be free to download, some of them will not. If you dig what you hear and have some disposable income, think about sending it in the direction of those featured.

Something New 
Moss Rose - Council of Rats

Adorno Record's very own Yasmin and Shaun's forray in to the murky world of black metal is one that a trades concussive blows with the listener before it gives way to melodic passages that evoke the insidious comfort of hypothermia setting in.

The natural alignment to screamo/emoviolence due to the associated projects (Thisismenotthinkingofyou and Yuri to name a couple) is evident but the texture and overall feel is much closer to that of bands like Alcest, Bosse de Nage and fellow UK dwellers Earth Moves. The release is currently premiering on Open Mind / Saturated Brain so check it out there, then buy yourself a tape from Adorno Records

Something Old
Screen Wives - Husbandry

One of the most puzzling aspects of my experience on this planet is why more people aren't evangelically proclaiming Screen Wives to be the best thing since whatever the internet era's equivalent of sliced bread is (some sort of meme, I guess?). For the unfamiliar, Screen Wives play an assemblage of post-hardcore, post-punk and the end of the math-rock spectrum that doesn't risk twee virtuosity at every turn.

If they had an SEO guru, they'd be found high up the search results for terms like "crunchy", "angular" and "skronky". The bottom line is that Husbandry is a twisting, turning, booty shaker of a record that wears its heart on its fabulous sleeve. 

Something Borrowed 
Thou - Floyd The Barber

Nirvana covers are a strange thng. They should be naturally repellant but I can't help but investigate them. A sort of morbid curiosity I suppose. This one was far less of a risk because a) Thou are amazing and b) It had the Robotic Empire seal of approaval.

It strikes that precious balance between staying faithful to the original but also sounding like Thou and this is Thou at one of their muckiest moments.

Something Blue 
Capsule - Blue

This is another Robotic Empire special and a really nasty piece of work in the best possible way. A febrile dream of punk and metal influences colliding and forming a new, some how more ghastly whole. Tempo shifts, time signature gymnastics and the sort of detonating aggression and energy that your favourite "chaotic hardcore" band wakes up in a cold sweat after dreaming about it.

 And that's your lot. Tune in next time, whenever the hell that is.
